Lesson Plan: Animation of an English text in scratch

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Leadership in Learning
Key Skills:
Being Creative, Communicating, Managing Information & Thinking, Working With Others
Scratch, English, programming,
Students will demonstrate their understanding of a short text that they have studied, through the creation of a Scratch animation that represents it. The teams must deconstruct the text they have chosen and identify the parts that are most important. This is a very useful skill, which will help them not only with this text, but with similar analysis in the future. The teams will give a brief introduction to the class before presenting their animation. They will have to provide a rationale for why their groups chose the text to animate, and explain the roles played by each member of the group. The animation itself can be used to explore the students understanding of the programming concepts.
The students will be enabled to:
- Program a short animation, using sound effects, in Scratch.
- Understand and interpret a text
- Recognise different learning styles
- Recognise that language is often symbolic, and that meanings can be multiple